
Dad And The Dog He Didn'T Want Tiktok

Dad didn't want to let his dog, Tiktok, out of the house. Despite being a licensed dog behaviorist, he couldn't seem to get her to stay in the back yard. Finally, after many failed attempts at getting her to stay inside, he resorted to using a leash and scolded her for following him around. Tiktok eventually became one of Dad's most loyal friends and spent countless hours sharing the house with him.

What is TikTok?

What is TikTok? Some people might say it's just a way for millennials to get some "free" entertainment, but for many fathers and husbands, it's a tool to communicate with their dogs. And for some, it can even be a form of communication between the two of them. TikTok is an app made for making short videos with your friends and family.

Dad and the Dog He didn't want Tiktok

Dad didn't want to buy Tiktok because he felt it would be a waste of money. He wasn't sure what the dog would do with the toy, but he was sure that it wouldn't make him happy.

What did TikTok do for dad?

The app TikTok has been gaining buzz for its hilarious videos of people playing games and having fun. But what about dads? In some cases, they have found it helpful to use the app as a communication tool with their children. For some, it's a way to connect with them and learn new things. And in some cases, the app has even become a way for fathers to commute with their dog.

Results of Dad's choice: bad for dad, good for dog

When it comes to choosing between dad and dog, some people might say that the dog is always going to win. However, according to a recent study, there may be another reason why dogs are often seen as the victors in this battle: dads. The study found that fathers who choose to spend more time with their dogs are typically better-off financially than those who do not. This is likely because dogs provide emotional support, which can help fathers feel better about themselves and their relationship with their families.


In the end, dad got what he wanted. Tiktok was finally given to him when he had enough money. Many people might not think this is a good thing, but it truly was the best decision dad could have made.

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  1. What is TikTok?
  2. Dad and the Dog He didn't want Tiktok
  3. What did TikTok do for dad?
  4. Results of Dad's choice: bad for dad, good for dog
  5. Conclusion
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